
Monday, May 11, 2015

Logos Hope In Cebu

Logos Hope is now in Cebu. It is currently docked near Malacañang Sa Cebu. MV Logos Hope is the largest floating library hosting over 5,000 books. As what I know, it is manned by volunteers from different countries. They are open daily from 10:00AM to 9:30PM. Except on Sundays where they open 1:00PM. They will be in Cebu until May 29.

To get in to the ship, you need to pay an entrance fee of Php20 for adults. Kids below 13 years old and folks over 60 (not sure) can come in for free. There books are reasonably priced using Logos Hope units. The good thing about their units in Cebu is that it is 1 is to 1. Meaning if a book is priced at 100 units, then you need to pay Php100. Easy!.

We got there on a Sunday afternoon. The ship was very crowded and it was really hard to navigate inside. When you come in, you are required to join the short orientation before you can get it.

Here are a couple of pictures that I took:

A look from outside.

The required short orientation.

Going into the book section. As you can see, it is packed.

They also have a little play. The kids would love this.

The KIDS area.

The International Café. They have a lot of food you can choose (e.g. popcorn, ice cream).

Some volunteers (I think) singing.

This is where you get on (right) and off(left) the ship.